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You catch me on the speed train,
beeper in a 3 way.

Friday, April 30, 2010 @ 10:56 PM!(:

I will not be posting stuff here anymore. Relink me at my tumblr a/c (: The link is on the about me panel thingy. I'll be active there. Thanks.

Friday, April 23, 2010 @ 9:45 AM!(:

I love today :D replay please? school was as per normal. what made my day is everything that happened after it. I walked home w Niki then found Aqil under my block. he wanted to see me. we talked for a while then I went home. bathe eat then slept. around 5 or 6 I heard familiar familiar voices outside in the hall. went out and saw family from Australia! :) uncle mano, aunty Annie, Alex and Brittany :D haven't seen them since uncle's funeral in primary6 ^^ they told mum and dad that they were coming to spore but decided to make it a surprise for marc Sean and i. We talked a lot :D as though we were never apart. loved it. mummy made crabs and fish for dinner. we all ate this stomach can burst. then hang out all. tomorrow and Sunday we'll be sleeping over at their hotel room and go out shop shop all ^^ they're leaving for Perth on Wednesday so better make the most of the next few days. I won't be updating blog I guess cause I'll be really busy having fun, muahahaha :) okay. goodnight dudes and ladies.

Thursday, April 22, 2010 @ 6:24 AM!(:

At school I just didn't feel good for the first few periods because of what happened yesterday and because of yet another rumour going on about why we broke. Come on you fucktards, I don't care about it anymore. Why the hell should you? I hate maths. Then the guys threw out a paper aeroplane, a super big one, out of the balcony to the parade square. It had 3e4 and names written on it. Mr Nasir saw. He came up to the class later on and told all the guys in our class to follow him w their bags. He told everyone that if our class keeps up this behaviour, we will not get an air conditioned class next year :( So when the guys left the class was like totally empty because there are only so few girls :/ The whole thing was in a way kind of funny :) After school went out. I lightened up :) Met Niki then went to meet YiTing, KaiZhi, Jeremy and Lester at Eastpoint. They were still eating at Eighteen Chefs when we reached so bought Starbucks first. I ordered Java Chip :D Love it. Then Lester went to meet his friends and the rest of us went back to Pasir Ris. Was hoping to see Fahmi aka Dad at simei but he left already :( Next time okay dad! :) Anyway, we went to ehub. Chit chat. Then waved at people in the ferris wheel. A guy and his girlfriend waved back ^^ Went home around 7. Niki Kaizhi and Jeremy came up to see Pepper. Now I'm so tired but I have to do work and pack my bag. I'm getting so irritated this days. Everyone's ordering me around and keeps nagging at me. I want to be alone. Why can't anyone understand that? :( Isit too much to ask for? :( Sighh. Exams are nearing. I want someone to talk to. Someone whom I can share all my problems with.Argh. Bye.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010 @ 8:54 AM!(:

At school everything was normal. Boring la. Sheesh. I was in my good mood though. But after school when I got the call, everything just went gloomy. I felt like someone punched me in the stomach. Same feeling I got when I found out he was bored of me and all almost 2 or 3 months ago. I thought this guy was much better. I guess I was wrong. All guys are the same. Sigh. Anyway, went to study with Niki, YiTing and KaiZhi at ehub at around 3? I didn't want to spoil the mood so I kept my feelings to myself. I actually studied, for once, outside of my house. Wow. Went home around 8? Didn't eat cause I had no appetite. Called Aqil instead. Cried halfway through telling him what telah the happen. Sorry dude. Thanks for everything :) Tomorrow there's a maths test and I think for once, I'm kind of prepared.
You betrayed my feelings. Everything you said, everything, was a lie. Don't worry, she already told me. I can't believe this. Thanks alot. Don't bother calling.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010 @ 5:40 AM!(:

On Sunday night I accidentally cut my hand :( bled like mad. Damn. Could literally see the tissue inside. HAHAHA.
Monday. Monday was okay. I guess. Nothing much happened. I am getting annoyed at someone. Mood swing every f-ing second. __ I met Aqil after school near my block. We talked a lot :) Fun. Haha. Love you dude! Thanks for listening ^^
Today was so so. Cikgu didn't come so malay was supposed to be two awesome free periods. But tak jadi cause had fire drill thingy. Everyone went to the field. Then stayed there for so long. Talked to Hazel, Niki, Afifa, Jerlyn and ZhiHui. Then it took up like about 2 hours? Didn't have social studies at all :D Maths, there was a mock test. I daydreamed half of the time :)
Recess. POA. Heard something that took away my happy mood. English. Assembly. No odac so went home. Went to tampines1 w mummy. Bought two 3 quarter sleeve shirts from uniqlo. I love them :D Went home. Peepa came back from groomers around 7? Had makan. Now lying down. I'm so worried bout something. Waiting for Aqil to call me. Haha. He's taking so long. Okay. Byee :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010 @ 12:24 AM!(:

Yesterday was Sports Day. Fun? Not really. Before the relay (was supposed to run) the thing was cancelled cause there was a lightning alert. So everyone was dismissed. What the crap. So went to whitesands with Hazel Love and Chloe. We bought cupwalker and macs. Saw down eat and chitchat. Then went to buy some stuff. I bought Hazel her SuperJunior poster (: Hope you feel better babe :D After that went home. Chloe took the bus. I walked with Hazel. We talked alot and it was fun (: I bought my fake glasses btw. Haha love it. And it didnt rain at all yesterday siaa. F. Wasted la. Could have continued sports day. Then I went to meet Aqil for a while. We're becoming great friends, just like last time :D I LOVE IT!
Today had tuition in the morning. Was boring. Tiring ): hahahaha. lazy right? okay. then had nasi lemak for lunch. Hahaha. Later going to watch Regina's performance at SJI. Haven't decided what to wear. Sighhhhh. Hate making decisions. Just downloaded many mnay songs (: Yay! Hahaha okay byeee.

I'm kind of happy you said no (:

Thursday, April 15, 2010 @ 12:52 AM!(:

Just came home.
School was hurtful as usual.
After school I went to play guitar with Ashraf, Dino and Aiman. Then after a while Arif, Shukri, Syafiq and ZahId came. The police came and said there were complains so they took down our particulars. Stupid sia. Got people smoking all never go catch. People play guitar also must come. Irritating. At school during assembly I think I got a cramp cause I felt something poke me and then started to hurt like hell :(
Yesterday went to meet nivaa with hazel yini and chloe :) we bought drinks from cup walker then ate at macs. After that went to library. Ate dinner at cafe. Then walk walk around and shop. Went home early around 8 plus? Meeting up again next week :)
You don't know how much hurts. I want to stop these feelings I have for you. Step 1 is to stop messaging you, I guess. This is hard :/

Tuesday, April 13, 2010 @ 11:27 PM!(:

I hated school so much today ): I saw something that made me feel like crap. I heard something that broke my heart into a million pieces. But I followed what Aqil told me to do and didn't show my feelings to anyone. When I came home I just lost it. Sighh. I want to get out of this country so that I can leave these feelings behind and forget about them.

Today in malay class, Cikgu said I mumbled.
Literature was boring.
Maths was boring.
English was usual.
Recess was ok.
POA was boring.
Physics was just ..........

Later going to meet Nivaa, Hazel, Yini and Chloe. Niki hasnt confirmed whether she'll be joining us. Im on the phone with Aqil now. Telling him everything ): Couldn't meet today because he had detention. And his parents got called down to his school. Hahaha. What only la Aqil. On the way home just now, I was walking. Then suddenly I just happened to look at bus 21 which was passing by. Saw Jamil and Sharul in the upper deck. Hahaha. Then wave wave all ah. Hahaha funny sia. After that walk walk somemore, saw Haikel. We talked until Amirul came then went our seperate ways. Now at home eating lasagne :D Mum's at a dental appointment. Dad's at work. Marc and Sean's at achool.
Trying to decide what to wear later :/ Hmmm.


@ 7:41 AM!(:

Today school was bearable. I love baobei's contact lens colour :) Cikgu didn't come. So malay was counted as a free period? There was this super lame thing on the table. It said, 'If you are noticing this notice you would notice that it is a waste of time.' Not sure if that's exactly it. can't remember. Then there was this sex talk for assembly. Sick sia. the pictures nb disturbing :P Then didn't go for cca. went to meet Aqil for a while. Went home then slept. Woke up at 7 or 8? Yeah then that's it I guess. Oh ya, its Pepper's birthday today. She's my doggie :D Happy Birthday Peepa! :) One year old munchkin. Haha. Byee :)

Monday, April 12, 2010 @ 2:59 AM!(:

Hey :D Today was ok i guess. Missed out on POA on friday so i didnt have a clue on what they were doing in class. Biology was uncomfortable. And i was soooooo irritated ): Alot alot alot of birthdays today. SO here goes. Happy birthday Maia, Trish, Ali, Margarita, Hafiz and Hilmi :D Best of luck in everything you guys. And congratulations to two good friends of mine. Love you'll (; Hahaha. After school, went to central. Saw Ainul, Yul and Lammuel isit? I dont know how to spell his name :/ sorry. Then walked with Hazel, Dino and Ashraf. Then the guys went to Ehub first to get Dino's guitar. Hazel and I went to my place and I changed + got cha-ching. Then the two of us went to ehub. Bought Mocha Ice Blended, yumyum. Met the guys. Went to 7-11. Bought drinks and all. Sat down for a while. Made a few phone calls. After that we walked to Greenview. Wait for Dino's sister. While waiting we chit chat and watched Hazel's videos on her youtube account. Love your singing babe(: When Dino's sister came we split. I went to meet Aqil. We bought chocobaby then lepak at pondok. Got big big cicak again sia )': Its soo easy to talk to him ahh. I told him my problems and all. Then instead of being like most people and saying its ok, he gave really really good advice. Thanks dude :D My tweets today are kind of emotional? Please don't mind me guys ): I feel down today. Sighh. Ok so anyway. I went home early. Then saw the dress mummy bought for me. I LOVE it :D Hahahaha! Thanks mum (: After mandi-ing, i slept for a while. Woke up and ate grapes :D Hahaha. Im not hungry at all anymore. Hahaha. Okay, then Aqil called. Asked if I wanted to catch a movie this weekend. See first okay? ^^ These days I enter school with a postive and happy mood and come out feeling like crap. I dont like it ); And the heat in Singapore is killing me! D: I hope Dad gets an attachment to work overseas for a few years. I'll gladly leave this place mann. Hahaha. Okay byee (:

Sunday, April 11, 2010 @ 5:01 AM!(:

Okay. So in the morning went to church help out with foodfair. Not many 'classmates' were there. When I went there only a few people were at the stall. Sat down. Jeremy came not long after. Then the four of us -Jeremy, Margarita, I forgot to ask the other girl for her name :( (so sorry!) and I walked around trying to find something to eat. Jeremy and I decided to eat the ice cream. I had chocolate, yumyum ^^ There was no signal cause the foodfair was held in the basement carpark. Then we sit down, ate, chit chat, take photo and all. After that they went to walk around somemore. I stayed with Jeremy and talked with him. Haha about the sports heats all and he's competition thingy. Then he told me about the girl he likes. Can't say the name of course. Winkwink eh Jeremy :D I need to ask him about something at school tomorrow. Ok anyway. The thing ended early. Went home. I slept cause I was nb tired. Woke up, ate yums that mum made. Pancake ^^ After that went to meet Lina and Nasyahh at pondok. We main guitar. I bitched about him and felt better. Mean right? :) Then got big black cicak so we went under my block. This guy who has eyes for Lina called Nasyahh's phone to talk to her. He kept hanging up and calling back. Irritating uh. After a while Nasyahh was like 'Ape kau nak!' Haha funny mannn ^^ Then Lina also fed up, she hung up. They went back around 6.40. Still early so I went to the hall meet everyone. They were playing soccer -.- I didn't want to join. Must be mature mah ^^ Went home early. About 7.30? Mandi then now waiting to makan. Later I think they are showing Underworld 3 on tv. Must watch man! :D Ok gtg. Byee :)
Ps. Damn the things you've done to me.
Pps. I thought Nasyahh and Lina what the meaning of Harami is. Those who read a thousand splendid suns would know.

Saturday, April 10, 2010 @ 6:17 AM!(:

Woke up late today. Around like 1? Makan roti while waiting for mum and dad to come home with lunch. Aqil called then we chit chat till marc called me out of my room. When mum and dad came back, they went to mandi then we all sat down to makan. Watched the Mummy3. It was ok ah. I still think they should have just stopped it at part 2 cause this one ruined the whole thing :/ Then went online, check mail, got bored and went to play guitar. At 4 just went to get ready to go to church. Left house around 5? Mass ended at 6.50 cause the priest's sermon lasted for a long time. Parents decided to order pizza for dinner. Now just finished. In the hall with everyone. We're waiting for Incredible Tales to start. Hope its a freaking scary one :D I love the song Eternal Flame by The Bangles :) andand the video for Bedrock. Funny sia! :) Mum's complaining that the phone is stuck to my hand ^^ Hahaha. tomorrow's the foodfair thing at church. Nobody's telling us when and where to meet :/ I need to go out. Anyone free? Haha. Almost everyone is busy these days :P boring eh :( Okay. Bye loves :)

Friday, April 9, 2010 @ 3:46 AM!(:

I didn't go to school today cause I was plain lazy. I'm SO sorry hazel :( really really sorry :( I missed out a lot according to Dino. Hahaha. In the morning followed mum to whitesands hoping to find a pair of slippers. But I didn't find any to my liking. So looked for a school bag but all were like not really worth the money. So I gave up. Saw Yiyuan and Willis. Then went to ntuc so mum could do her shopping then went to macs to buy lunch. Saw Aqil :) We waved hi from far cause he malu to talk to me in front of mum. Then he started messaging me. Haha. Then came home to eat then had tuition :/ Cikgu was late. Then after that went to friend's house. Play guitar. Then go under block, play guitar somemore. Then sent her to ehub and went to meet love and Aqil. Haha love was so cute when she was telling us bout her new mataer. He is from tampines rovers according to her. Last long girl :) Then I disturb aqil about his 'malu-ness'. Haha. Then he was like 'Aku sumpah tak malu sia. Ku leceh je.' Yeah right aqil! Man, blogging from the phone is hard :/ Now Sean's friends are here. Ish. Ok byee :)
Tattoo your name across my heart So it will remain Not even death could make us part.

Thursday, April 8, 2010 @ 5:26 AM!(:

Today was fun. had sports heats. mum gave me arif and dino a lift to tampines stadium. ran for ODAC 4x100m. hahaha it was soo fun. ilovedit(: we got second place. groupB girls also got second place and the boy group also got second place. so all of us made it uhhh :D Hahaha best! then came back saw everyone at atlantis so stayed with them for a while. there were these workers like trying to put up a big tree there. the were there since like 5.30 according to the rest. then like i dont know what happened but the head contractor and din started to argue. then the contractor was like "i call police." and "you and me one on one ah." hahaha then din was like so funny! we were laughing like crap sia. hahahahaha! yesterday went to lepak with hazel after school and we talked and talked. it was so fun. i love you baobei (:

baby, you don't mean a thing.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010 @ 4:46 AM!(:

Today was Tuesday. School's Cca day. School was boring. I only liked recess. Played tap tap revenge on Willis's phone. thanks dude :) beat Dino! muahahaha! for odac had like cooking outdoors. boring. tiring.
I don't have the heart to tell you. we don't really talk anymore. I know it means nothing to you. but it means so much to me. sigh. someone shoot me.

Monday, April 5, 2010 @ 4:46 AM!(:

Today was one of those fun days :) During school was fun cause I had no disagreements or anything with anyone. After school Hazel and Dino followed me home. Waited at the vd for me. mandi makan take guitar and went down to meet them. then we went to central there. waited for Ashraf and arif at pondok. played guitar and bought bubble tea. Ashraf arif shukri and syafiq came after they finished their interviews. then we decided since it was hafiz's bday we buy him bubble tea, ask him to come and give him the drink + play him a birthday song. so I asked khalis to bring him there. while waiting we tried to do a cover on hey soul sister but it wasn't good enough. then we tried replay but I guess today just wasn't a good day to make a cover so we decided to do it another day. hazel and I saw an old guy crapping. no joke -.- he's pants was down and all. horrible sia, disgusting :/ then khalis and hafiz came and we sang the song and all. then Dino had to go so we all split. tomorrow got physics tutorial. I heart tutorials ^^ Hahaha :)
I won't be waiting a second longer.

Sunday, April 4, 2010 @ 12:24 AM!(:

blogging from this phone is hard :/ I just have to make do with it. I'm supposed to be finishing up my homework and all but I'm too lazy :( I need a longer holiday. I've decided to just drop the whole Germany thing. I don't want to go anymore. later will be going to aunty's house to celebrate Easter. woopie :) we're seeing Nicholas off from there cause he's going back to ns camp. school starts tomorrow :( sigh. at least i can use my new watch ^^ hot pink you know. don't play play :) I hope there are no tests or anything. can't stand them :/ there's pe tomorrow too! another thing to look forward too :) k I gotta run. byee :)

you don't mean a thing to me.

Saturday, April 3, 2010 @ 1:23 AM!(:

Its not fun to keep saying "Today was a boring day." And boring days can be made fun so that's exactly what i did today. I woke up and had breakfast. I was supposed to go to the movies with baobei but the thing was cancelled so i caught up on some stuff. I helped mum clean up the house and sweep the floor. then i washed my shoes till it was squeaky clean ^^ and i helped mum with the pecan pie. then i came online. when the pie was ready everyone had it for tea. yummy ^^ now im printing out chords :D So today wasnt boring after all (: i love this weather btw. haha. rainrainrain. im waiting for a message ):
i'm totally over you, finally (: no more pain baby :D


All the stars out tonight. I don't know if its cloudy or bright. I only have eyes for youuuu (:

Kyra Annemarie
15 this year
Loyang Secondary
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